Trades and services

Trades and services

By volume, the majority of debts we receive (via email, social media and email) are those involving trades and services.

These can be debts owed from trade-to-trade, wholesaler-to-trade or trade to individual. Collection House Ltd have been resolving these issues for 22 years, liaising with both the client and the debtor to iron out any disputes or queries, so that payment is returned to our client.

Here are just some of the debts we have help recover for our clients...

Balance your books UK logo

Client: Balance Your Books (South West) Ltd

Debt recovered including fees: £1,172.80

Time taken to recover: 1 day

Overview: Debt passed to us that had been outstanding for 6 months. Resolved on day 1

Case explained:  Collection House were instructed by an accountant who had tried to chase a debt from a client for 6 months. We made contact with the debtor over the phone and instructed him that we were now acting on their behalf. He paid immediately to avoid any late fees or additonal costs

C Burge Electrical logo

Client: C Burge Electrical Ltd

Debt recovered including fees: £4,748.29

Time taken to recover: 7 days to get DOG

Overview: Instructed to chase a former business partner for £4,748.29 debt. DofG was arranged to secure payment for client.

Case explained:  Collection House were instructed to recover a debt between former business partners. CH negotiated an agreement of what was owned and arranged for a 'Deed of Guarantee' to be signed by the debtor so that they could not renege on paying the debt off in instalments. Debtor is now paying each month to cover the debt.

Corsham Building Plastics logo

Client: Corsham Building Plastics Ltd

Debt recovered including fees: £27,530.76

Time taken to recover: 7 months

Overview: CH were instructed to recover a debt of 6 months which was due to be written off. 

Case explained:  Collection House were instructed to recover a debt from a builder who client thought had no intention of paying. They were going to write off the debt, but gave CH a chance to chase. CH cotnacted debtor and threatened leage action. 4 x Instalments were agreed and full payment with late fees were recovered.

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